Monroe on the Go! | News |

2022-08-12 21:54:12 By : Mr. Zhaobing Wang

Monroe Sweetwater Valley Citizens for the Arts will present a new Summer Music Concert Series at the bandstand at Sweetwater Duck Park. These concerts are free to the public. Food trucks will be on site. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. Concerts begin at 7 p.m.

The remaining line up is as follows:

Watch Fort Loudoun State Historic Area in Vonore come to live during Garrison Weekend on Saturday, Aug. 13 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Garrison Weekend is a free, family-friendly, living history event that features the daily lives of the men, women and children of Fort Loudoun. View an 18th century infirmary, soldier's barracks, the commander's quarters, blacksmith shop, as well as a Cherokee encampment. Musket, artillery firing and laundry demonstrations will take place throughout the day.

Monroe County Friends of Animals (MCFA) Spay Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP) will issue free spay and neuter vouchers to low-income Monroe County residents on Saturday, Aug. 13 from 10 a.m. to noon.

This will be a call-in voucher session. There will be no physical presence required. Those that wish to request a voucher should call one of the following phone numbers: 423-836-2041, 865-297-3363 or 865-268-9730. If the line is busy, try the next phone number. Keep trying until someone answers. Do not leave a message; messages will not be monitored.

Free spay and neuter vouchers can be used for dogs and cats by Monroe County residents who meet SNAP criteria. Pet owners can receive multiple vouchers to “fix” all their pets. Please do not call vet hospitals or the shelter as they do not have access to vouchers.

For more information, visit

Join the Charles Hall Museum & Heritage Center in Tellico Plains as they welcome car enthusiasts on the second Saturday of each month, April through October, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The next event is on Saturday, Aug. 13. Network with like-minded admirers and view their priced possessions. Bring a chair, swap stories, share a hot cup of coffee, shop a while, enjoy the museum and the local scenery. Check the museum's Facebook page for updated information in case of heavy rain.

Join Ranger Savannah Couser at Fort Loudoun State Historic Area in Vonore on Tuesday, Aug. 16 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for a flower bed maintenance volunteer project. The park needs volunteer help to keep the native flower beds and English garden maintained. Work will include cutting back last year’s growth, trimming plants, blowing fall leaves out, pulling weeds and general TLC.

If you have knowledge in native plants, the fort could use your help in making plant identification placards to place next to the plants. If you have an available electronic device, such as a laptop, tablet, or smart phone, please bring it to look up information.

This is a great opportunity to earn volunteer hours for scholarships, school or scouting badges.

Please wear appropriate clothing and closed-toe shoes. If you have work gloves and hand pruners, feel free to bring them; all other tools will be provided.

If you’re interested in helping, please register online at

Participants should meet at the Visitors Center.

For more information, contact the park office at 423-420-2331.

Are you busy during the day and need an evening class to learn how to manage your diabetes? Take Charge of Your Diabetes is a free six-week class that can help and is taught by the Monroe County Health Department and the University of Tennessee Extension. The class will be held at the Cora Veal Senior Center in Madisonville from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursdays starting on Aug. 18.

During the six weeks, a variety of methods that will help you better manage diabetes including: meal planning, monitoring blood glucose levels, ways to cope with high or low blood glucose levels, talking to health care providers, and much more. Each week, you will practice the skills learned during class and receive encouragement from others who suffer from diabetes. Past participants in this class report lower A1C’s, weight management, greater understanding of meal planning, how to manage their blood glucose levels and have a better understanding of the diabetes and its complications.

Please pre-register for Take Charge of Your Diabetes by calling the UT Extension Office in Monroe County at 423-442-2433 or the Monroe County Health Department at 423-442-3993, ext. 1010, by Aug. 16. This will ensure there are enough copies of the educational materials for everyone.

UT Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.

The Town of Tellico Plains and the Tellico Plains Merchants will host a Spirit on the Square event on Thursday, Aug. 18 at 6 p.m. The celebration will feature a pep rally in Town Square on the evening before Tellico Plains High School’s season opener against Sequoyah. Meet new head coach Bobby White and the players, as well as the cheerleaders. There will be a DJ and food on site, as well.

Join Ranger Lauren Baghetti at Fort Loudoun State Historic Area in Vonore on Friday, Aug. 19 at 9 a.m. for a kayak paddle. Along this 2-mile paddle, attendees will enjoy the scenery of the Unicoi Mountains, trees, and perhaps, waterfowl, while learning about Fort Loudoun, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA, and the importance of waterways in Tennessee.

The tour will depart from and end at the boat dock/kayak launch located next to the main parking lot. This paddle is rated easy.

Kayaks and kayak equipment are available for those who do not have their own. Anyone with their own kayak and equipment is welcome to bring it. The cost to participate is $10 without a kayak rental or $20 with a park kayak rental. Please bring a life jacket if you have one, and bottled water. Dress for the weather and be prepared for boat traffic, waves and wind.

Space is limited to 10 participants, so register as soon as possible to reserve your spot.

To register, visit

United Way of Monroe County will hold its annual golf tournament on Saturday, Aug. 20 at Rarity Bay Golf Course in Vonore. Registration begins at 8 a.m. with a shotgun start at 9 a.m.

The cost to participate is $400 per four-person team, and includes 18 holes of golf, a golf cart, a “thank you” gift, and lunch. There will be contests for the longest drive, closest to the pin, winning team, losing team, and more. Team registration and payment deadline is Thursday, Aug. 4.

Sponsorships are also needed for the golf tournament. Sponsorships range from $150 to $1,500. The sponsorship and payment deadline is Friday, July 29.

Payments and forms for both sponsorships and registrations can be mailed to: United Way of Monroe County, P.O. Box 722, Sweetwater, TN 37874. Checks should be made out to United Way of Monroe County.

For more information, to register, or to learn more about United Way, visit the website at or contact Caylen Matoy at 423-337-7690 or

The Monroe County Beekeepers Association will hold a National Honey Bee Day event on Saturday, Aug. 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Monroe County Justice Center, located at 4500 New Highway 68 in Madisonville. There will be colonies on site, games and activities for children, information on bees and how to get started in beekeeping, observation hives with live bees, beekeeping equipment displays, craft vendors, local honey, food and more. For more information, email

Join Park Manager Eric Hughey at Fort Loudoun State Historic Area in Vonore on Saturday, Aug. 20 at 10 a.m. to learn about Fort Loudoun’s honeybee program. Hughey will share interesting facts about the fort’s super pollinators and give a short tour of the apiary. Participants should meet at the Meadow Loop Trailhead, located near the park entrance.

The East Tennessee Arts Center will host free pop-up art camps for children ages 10 through 17 this summer.

Remaining camps will be held on the following:

Sign in will begin at 10:30 a.m. A drawing session will start at 11 a.m. Lunch will be served at noon, followed by a painting session at 12:30 p.m. Clean up will be from 2 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Pre-registration is required. To pre-register, email Please include the names, ages, addresses and phone number of all attending children, along with the names of their parents or guardians.

Please provide a sack lunch for your child. All art supplies will be provided, but it is asked that participants make a contribution to the art supplies as the East Tennessee Arts Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts organization.

East Coast Adventures will present a 5K benefit on Saturday, Aug. 27 at 8 a.m. for Susie Wilke, who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. Come walk or run the Wilke Way while enjoying the breathtaking mountains of Tellico Plains as your backdrop! Registration through Aug. 26 is $35 per person. To register, visit Packet pickup will be on Aug. 26 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Senor Lopez in Tellico Plains, or on race morning, Aug. 27, at 7 a.m. The race will begin at Tellico Plains High School's Alumni Center.

To assist in the awareness efforts of International Overdose Awareness Day, the Monroe County Prevention Coalition (PWC) is partnering with the City of Madisonville and the Downtown Madisonville Alliance in hosting the First Annual Smash The Stigma Community Water Balloon Fight on Saturday, Aug. 27. The fight begins at 6 pm. Come early to grab a spot and BYOB (balloons, that is). Food trucks will be on-site set up in Memorial Park from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Come with your filled water balloons/water guns ready to go (no other items will be permissible). Line up along both sides of the Tellico Street. Ready, aim, and launch (and expect to get wet)!

First responders will drive along the route, so be prepared for return fire!

Coordinators hope the event will bring awareness to the stigma associated with substance misuse and aid in smashing that stigma.

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